What do you do when things don't go right?
One of the joys of doing live theater is that you get one chance to get it right, over and over again. Over in Hollywood, they get one chance (generally speaking) to get a final product right (ahem, Mr. Lucas, it was better if you'd have left it alone). So, when I was in school or was working a roadhouse, it was considerably different for me, since the length of a production was quite shorter than what I work now. If something were to go wrong, we would figure out what was wrong and there was little in the way of a contingent plan. Now, working in corporate theater, there is a plan for most anything that could disrupt the flow of the show. Often times, we can have a malfunction and keep the show going without the audience suspecting that there was a problem unless they had seen the show previously. This gets me to thinking, what would I have done different in the past? Most likely a failure would stop the show and a lot of mahem would en...