I think I may have "misunderestimated"
Sorry to anyone who was a fan of President George W. Bush for me borrowing one of his terms. However, I tried to think how better to express how I felt after giving a presentation last month. I volunteered to give a presentation on the basics of video for theater at the Nevada State Thespian Convention. Since I was a Thespian in high school and there was a definite shortage of technical classes, I felt that I could take the opportunity to help out the next generation, as I do moderating ControlBooth . So here's how it goes. The announcement comes through that they need presenters. I say, sure, I'll help out. I've been pretty busy at work and home and don't take a close look at the date when I do so. I go home and check the calendar to make note of when I'm going to do the presentation and the date seems off. Usually these sort of conferences happen over a weekend, and I was pretty sure that I...